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70 000 złotych nagrody za informacje o zaginięciu Andżeliki z Koła!

Autor: UMBRA 11 Luty 2023 przeczytasz w ok. 2 min.
70 000 złotych nagrody za informacje o zaginięciu Andżeliki z Koła!
(39) | Czytano:
22,863 razy | przeczytasz w ok. 2 min.

Anonimowy darczyńca przekazał kwotę 70 000 złotych za informacje, które mogą wpłynąć na wyjaśnienie głośnego zaginięcia dziewczynki z Koła. Jej rodzina porusza niebo i ziemię, aby odnaleźć Andżelikę.

22,863 razy

Andżelika zaginęła 31.01.1997 roku na terenie starego miasta w Kole. W tym dniu trwały jeszcze ferie zimowe. Dziewczynka około godziny 13.00 postanowiła wyjść na podwórko pobawić się z innymi dziećmi. Około godziny 16.00 dziadek dziewczynki zaczął wołać ją na obiad. Niestety nigdzie nie znalazł Andżeliki.

Rozpoczęły się zakrojone na szeroką skalę poszukiwania, które niestety do tej pory nie doprowadziły do jej odnalezienia . W toku śledztwa policjantom udało się ustalić, że zaginiona ostatni raz była widziana na skrzyżowaniu ul.Kajki z ul.Pułaskiego przez sąsiada. Była wówczas sama i według zeznań mężczyzny planowała się przejść.
dalsza część artykułu pod reklamą
Pojawił się również świadek, który prawdopodobnie widział dziewczynkę na moście nad rzeką. Kolejny z nich twierdził, że widział dziewczynkę w towarzystwie dwóch swoich kolegów. Chłopcy zaprzeczyli . Sprawa zaginięcia Andżeliki została umorzona 3 miesiące po jej zaginięciu. Od tamtej pory nikt już nie wracał do sprawy . Obecnie nie ma możliwości powrotu do śledztwa, ponieważ akta uległy zniszczeniu. Rodzina w dalszym ciągu poszukuje Andżeliki. Chcą wiedzieć, co stało się tego feralnego styczniowego dnia .
Osoby, które mogą przyczynić się odnalezienia bądź wyjaśnienia sprawy Andżeliki prosimy o kontakt z Naszą Grupą w wiadomości prywatnej lub pod adresem e-mail umbragps@gmail.com GWARANTUJEMY ANONIMOWOŚĆ 
Można również kontaktować się bezpośrednio z rodziną zaginionej pod adresem email izadm3@poczta.onet.pl
*Drugie zdjęcie przedstawia progresję wiekową dziewczynki przygotowaną przez policję.
  • Wiek w dniu zaginięcia 10 lat
  • Obecnie: 36 lat


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Komentarze (39)
dodając komentarz akceptujesz regulamin. Pamiętaj o wzajemnym szacunku! HejtSTOP
Margart · 26 Kwiecień 2023
Hey there, Introducing .. Ai Pro , World's First 25-In One - ChatGPT (OpenAi) Powered App Suite That Does Everything For You TOP Features: ?? Real ChatGPT Voice Activated Ai Chatbot ?? Ai Text to Video Generator ?? Ai Content Generator ?? DFY Prompt Library ?? Ai Text to Image Generator ?? Ai Keyword to Video Generator ?? Ai Keyword to Image Generator ?? Ai Image Variation Generator ?? Ai Graphic Editor ?? Ai Product Name Generator and Many More.. Check Full Details and Demo Her for Full Scoop ==> https://bit.ly/aiproex Best Regards Chryl J 77 Rugby St. London 52542 ===== Click here to unsubscribe https://bit.ly/stop69
Margherita · 21 Kwiecień 2023
Hey, Everyone is using ChatGPT nowadays? It?s taking over the internet? But what if there is a way to capitalize on it and make a killing using it? Imagine if you let a powerful AI app, write, design and sell eBooks for you in any niche? All you have to do is pick the niche, and then collect the profit? Everything in between is done by This New System Click here to watch demo >>> https://bit.ly/inkai4 And today, you have the chance to get access to it at an incredibly early-bird discount? Here, Let me show you how it works Step 1 Login: Login to Ink AI Cloud-Based Dashboard Step 2 Create: Enter One Keyword And Instantly Generate a Fully Designed eBook, Reports, Flipbook, PDF, Lead Magnet, And More? Step 3: Syndicate: With One Click, Let AI Syndicate Your eBook Across Millions Of Buyers In Any Niche? Step 4: Profit - Yup that?s it. I don?t think it gets easier than this? It's just 1 Click away: ? No Writing ? No proofreading ? No designing ? No publishing ? No marketing All of that is done for you The technology behind this all IS rocket science.. But setting this up is as easy as popping a meal in a microwave? You just press a few buttons and kapoosh, you?re done! To begin extracting profit from the 107 million users of ChatGPT, go here to get started while the one-time pricing is still available. Enjoy! Williams B Manhatten, OT 46234 ====== Click here to unsubscribe https://bit.ly/stop69
Milagros · 14 Kwiecień 2023
Hey there, What if instead of wasting your time on ChatGPT... You could launch your Own app like ChatGPT and charge people for it? Here?s your chance to do the same: Click here to create your own version of ChatGPT and begin charging people for access. ===>> https://bit.ly/chtbees You see, people are frustrated when ChatGPT faces outages.. And this has opened up a massive opportunity for internet marketers.. There?s a new app called Chat Bees, and it lets you create a ChatGPT like app, but with ZERO outages. People are willing to pay handsomely for zero outages. So, you can either create your Chat GPT-like app and se1l it to other businesses and make m0ney from it? OR, you can start your content creation agency. It Has All The Same Powerful Features Of ChatGPT, And Even More: ? Write engaging, high quality content for blogs, scripts, emails, newsletters, ebooks literally anything ? 100% unique content with no plagiarism ? Generate the best AI designs that put 99% of graphic designers to shame, in just seconds ? It can proofread and edit your contents ? It can fix grammar and other errors ? Translate your writing to multiple languages and pr0fit ? It can provide a transcription of your audio and video files in seconds ? Boost your team?s performance by tracking their progress and assigning tasks ? Supports different Open AI models. And much more? And you can offer this service to people, and easily rake in 5-10k per month.. Best Regards, Souryal T. 93, S.N Road. WB 700055 INDIA Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options
?????? · 12 Kwiecień 2023
come and visit my site I'm sure you will have fun ?????? ACE21?? ??? ??? ????? ?????.???, ???, ??????, ?? , ??????, ?????, ?????, ????? ? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ?????!" /> https://8mod.net/
Lucia · 08 Kwiecień 2023
Hey, Everyone is using ChatGPT nowadays? It?s taking over the internet? But what if there is a way to capitalize on it and make a killing using it? Imagine if you let a powerful AI app, write, design and sell eBooks for you in any niche? All you have to do is pick the niche, and then collect the profit? Everything in between is done by This New System Click here to watch demo >>> https://bit.ly/inkai4 And today, you have the chance to get access to it at an incredibly early-bird discount? Here, Let me show you how it works Step 1 Login: Login to Ink AI Cloud-Based Dashboard Step 2 Create: Enter One Keyword And Instantly Generate a Fully Designed eBook, Reports, Flipbook, PDF, Lead Magnet, And More? Step 3: Syndicate: With One Click, Let AI Syndicate Your eBook Across Millions Of Buyers In Any Niche? Step 4: Profit - Yup that?s it. I don?t think it gets easier than this? It's just 1 Click away: ? No Writing ? No proofreading ? No designing ? No publishing ? No marketing All of that is done for you The technology behind this all IS rocket science.. But setting this up is as easy as popping a meal in a microwave? You just press a few buttons and kapoosh, you?re done! To begin extracting profit from the 107 million users of ChatGPT, go here to get started while the one-time pricing is still available. Enjoy! Williams B Manhatten, OT 46234 ====== Click here to unsubscribe
Ethan · 07 Kwiecień 2023
Hi, Are you free for a Free Webinar where you can learn how you can revolutionize your business to 5x-10x your revenue this year? Join us on this exclusive live webinar & discover how to generate marketing assets for your business (landing pages, Videos, Images, Content, Email Swipes, etc.), in minutes, using Marketingblocks A.I software. You don't need to have any tech skills or experience. No need to waste money buying complicated tools that take weeks to learn or hiring expensive freelancers. On top of that, You'll also learn how to build a profitable agency business & earn 100s to 1000s of dollars daily by creating & selling marketing assets to other businesses. Here's what we'll cover inside; ? The fastest, stress-free method to build & launch a profitable online business, without blowing your savings. ? How to create all your business assets & resources (including a landing page, marketing copy, email swipes, graphics, video ads, voiceovers, etc), in just minutes, without spending a dime to outsource. ? How to tap into the lucrative service market, offer in-demand digital services to small businesses, charge any amount & get paid... Even if you don't have any skill or experience. ? How to create engaging images & photos for your website, blog, videos, social post, etc... at zero cost ? How to scale your online business to 6 figures using A.I ? And more inside... That's not all, When you sign up, you stand a chance of winning cash prizes & software bonuses worth thousands of dollars. Don't miss out... Book your seat now. Click here to Join the Free Live Webinar ===>>> https://bit.ly/mbwebinar2023 See you on the webinar Cheers Chris Raymond 99 Rocky Mountain Villa MX, 44593 ========== Click here to Unsubscribe
Filomena · 06 Kwiecień 2023
Hi e-kolo.pl Owner. Hi, It seems your website is not ranking that well, so you are losing sales. Plus when I looked at your site, it could use more content that sells, which means you missing even more sales. Fortunately, there is a new AI bot that can write the content for you for your site, and it's fully optimized to increase your ranking as well, so you get double the sales effort! You can see the magic of AI in a video here: =>> https://zeep.ly/zePEY Thanks, Filomena To stop receiving such offers, simply reply to this email...
Halina · 30 Marzec 2023
Hey! And it?s LIVE! Recurring Commission System has officially opened to the public! Recurring Commission System is the 1st and ONLY software solution that makes it easy for ANYONE to bank multiple income streams and build their list at the same time! This cloud based app provides you with your very own stunning site that includes a professional video & details showing visitors what they need to know about essential web tools ... With links that get you paid recurring commissions from up to 18 different services. It also directs visitors to optin for a free training webinar ? where you make $1000 from EVERY purchase. Just grab THIS to take home the BIG paydays! >>> https://bit.ly/rcommearly Everything you need is included: ? DFY, PROFESSIONAL website optimized for recurring, passive AND high ticket commissions ? MULTIPLE income streams: you?re pre-approved to profit from the 18 recurring services AND high-ticket offer built into your site ? Free viral traffic & hosting included = ZERO overhead costs ? Set & forget method: customize your site ONCE, then it runs on 100% autopilot ? Completely beginner friendly: no tech skills needed, nothing to install, step-by-step instructions included ? Easy to scale: Recurring Commission System INCLUDES the core software so you can customize this system to fit ANY offer This is so easy and is jam-packed with real proof, both from the creator AND from beta testers. ? You WON?T need a list, any previous experience, copywriting or tech skills. ? You WON?T need to wait for results - you can be banking 3+ figure commissions by this time TOMORROW. ? You WON?T need to pay for traffic - free methods are part of the package! And you?ll make hassle-free recurring commissions every single month. For an extremely limited time, you get complete & ongoing access for a steeply discounted one-time fee. >>> https://bit.ly/rcommearly But HURRY because the price is increasing and this is your shot to get in for the lowest possible cost. Make way more in way less time? >> Now you can with THIS app & proven method! Cheers!! Nelson T. 46 Sudbury Hills Par, Manhatton ============= Click here to Unsubscribe
Edwina · 27 Marzec 2023
Hey, How much are you spending every month for designing, ad creatives, video creation and other skills required for an online business? Good news! With Artificial Intelligence you can now quickly & easily create EVERYTHING you need to start an online business in any niche using just a keyword for yourself or your clients? A NEW AI software can now create: ?? Promotional Videos ?? Landing pages ?? Ads for Facebook, Google & LinkedIn ?? Marketing Copy for Blogs, Sales Pages, Websites, Ecom Stores & Company Profiles ?? Branding kits ?? Graphics in all sizes like Banners, Social Media Graphics ?? Logos ?? Print Graphics including Letterheads, Business Cards, Invoices ?? Voiceovers ?? Sales & Cold Email swipes And a bunch of other stuff? In ANY niche and ANY language from just a keyword. ?? Without any technical or designing skills ?? Without paying exorbitant fees for complicated tools ??Without expensive freelancers & agencies ??Ready-For-Use In Your Business Or to sell to your clients for BIG profits Watch Live Demo >>> https://bit.ly/firestaffAI Save Hundreds of Dollars every month at one time Price for Limited Time. (Price goes to monthly plan soon) With this revolutionary software, you can just type in a keyword and let Artificial Intelligence create ALL the things you need for your business ? not just for yourself, but for your clients as well ? and charge them top dollar for your services. Cheers Ruslan V 99 Oxford Street MI, 88976 ========= Click here to Unsubscribe
Tam · 16 Marzec 2023
Hey, If you still haven't checked out DFY Suite... ...you're missing out BIG time. Why? Well, how does ''page 1 rankings in BOTH Google and YouTube in 30 minutes'' sound? DFY Suite case study ==> https://bit.ly/dfysuite40 This Case Study video gives you an insider look at how to get 1st page rankings... You'll learn how to get as much targeted traffic from the search engines as you'd like. Of course the immense power of DFY Suite has a lot to do with these results. With "DFY Suite" you'll be able to: ? rank your niche websites on page 1 ? rank your e-commerce websites on page 1 ? rank your videos on page 1 ? rank your local listings on page 1 ? rank your Amazon listings ? rank ANY URL you'd like to get traffic for... AND you can also rank any of your client's websites... and charge them for it! But possibly the BEST thing about all of this is... DFY Suite is extremely easy-to-use: 1) NO software to install 2) NO need to go through any training 3) NO previous SEO experience required 4) NO need to create any social accounts 5) NO content needed (besides your URL) 6) NO proxies needed 7) NO captchas required to solve ... NONE of that stuff. This simplified the ENTIRE process so that anyone can tap into the power of Page 1 rankings... even if they suck at SEO. With "DFY Suite", page #1 rankings are literally just 4 simple steps away: Step #1: Log into the web-based portal Step #2: Enter your keywords Step #3: Enter the URL you want traffic for Step #4: Hit "Submit" That's it! Yes it's working in 2023 and the Case Study was done in 2023 Only. To your Success Aaron S. 87 Silver Street, MI 88668 ====== Click here to Unsubscribe
Elvia · 09 Marzec 2023
I am sorry to say, this is going go Fire lot of employees in 2023. Yes, why would anybody pay huge cash to employees when same high quality work can be done by AI with one time fee ? World's First 20-In One - ChatGPT (OpenAi) Powered App is OUT Now! Let Ai Automate Your Daily Tasks Like Smartly Creating Attention-Grabbing Marketing Content, Images, Videos & Much Much More. Just Sit Back & Watch Your Profits Grow. What this 20-In One AI Does ? ? 100% Chat GPT Supported App That Works Smoothly On Every Device ? Get 20 Chat GPT Powered Premium Business Tools at the Price of 1 ? Get the First Mover Advantage & Crush Your Competition ? Say Goodbye To Wasting Time Logging Into Multiple Chat GPT Apps Once & For All ? Use Artificial Intelligence To Create & Sell Attention Grabbing Marketing Assets To Hungry Audience Globally ? Build High Converting Sales Video Scripts, Ads Copies, Trending Articles Etc In 3 Clicks ? Stop Paying Huge Monthly Fees To Expensive Copywriters, Freelancers, Video Creators Forever ? Commercial license included - Generate & Sell as many assets as you like to clients... ? Newbie friendly, easy-to-use dashboard... ? Stop Hustling When Our Tool Does Everything For You In 3 Easy Clicks... ? Nothing To Download, Install Or Customize ? Get Started In Seconds... ? Iron-clad 30 day money-back guarantee... ? Get premium, never offered before bonuses with your access today Excited ? Check out the Demo Video how it works >>> https://bit.ly/20in1AI And Here?s The Best Part? ? Searching, Finding & Hiring Expensive Copywriters & Content Creators ? Wasting Time Planning, Evaluating & Finalizing How To Create Marketing Assets ? Paying Huge Monthly Fees To Third Party Graphic Creation Platforms ? Worrying About Low Conversions For The Ad Copies Created ? Getting Blacklised With Using Plagiarized Content On Your Websites And that?s all needed to profit from any business online using this 20 IN 1 Ai Tool Cheers! Gokul T. 55 Linclon Road, MI 44587 ========= Click here to Unsubscribe
Leonore · 25 Luty 2023
Whether you have 10 products or 100 products, life gets better with this Revolutionary AI. Each e-commerce product needs a good Ad Creative to sell. You find the best creative by testing. The problem? The workload increases dramatically as you add more products into the mix. With This Revolutionary AI, this problem disappears forever. Use our highly trained AI to generate ALL your creatives instead. This tool is fast, easy, and yields 14x better conversion rates on average. Cancel anytime. Get a free 7-day trial today -> https://bit.ly/revolutionaryAI New users also get $500 FREE Google Ad Credits. Cheers! Adam Smith 78 Road St, NYC =============== Click here to Unsubscribe.
Fern · 19 Luty 2023
Hello. My name is Irina. I am an expert in posting articles and texts on various websites. Would you be interested in mutual cooperation? In fact, I have to propose you something but before starting working answer please this questionnaire in the link below: https://forms.gle/58NDRfrHg3RMdRcW7 It takes no more than 3 minutes but will clarify all the details of the project and accelerate each stage of your future partnership. Thank you in advance for your time and I?m looking forward to a fruitful collaboration. If you require any further information about the questionnaire or anything else, feel free to contact me. Best regards, Irina
Typek · 12 Luty 2023
Przecież osoba z rodziny pracuje w policji i gdyby były jakieś nowe informacje czy błędy w postepowaniu to już by je wyciągnięto do mediów
Stasiek · 12 Luty 2023
Zobacz jakie ty robisz byki debilu spadaj
Mieszkanka · 11 Luty 2023
Zajmij się sobą
Mieszkanka kolo · 11 Luty 2023
Znam rodzinę dziewczynki nie piscie glupot
Kolo · 11 Luty 2023
Uważaj co piszesz
Maciej · 11 Luty 2023
Mieszkaniec · 11 Luty 2023
Dramat... Ludzie ktoś to z rodziny czyta a wy sobie zrobiliście forum pod artykułem, ten za PiS ten za PO... Albo ten pisać umie a drugi nie .. hallo tu chodzi o dziewczynkę która zaginęła i rodzina do dziś prosi o pomoc, przykro mi to się czyta jak się przepychacie na temat polityki czy ortografii...
Gracjan · 11 Luty 2023
Wes się ogarnij człowieku albo zmień leki
Gość · 11 Luty 2023
A ty nie zmieniaj imion, pisownia Cię zdradza;)
Martyna · 11 Luty 2023
Polski to masz łeb debilu
Gość · 11 Luty 2023
A ty jaki? Ruski?
Martyna · 11 Luty 2023
Bo PiS ci nie daje to wypisujesz jak PiS nie da ci to już do Mopsu ci dadzą parę suchych wafli albo na ulicę już zebrac
Gość · 11 Luty 2023
Można prosić po polsku.
Krystian · 11 Luty 2023
Uważaj żeby ciebie PiS nie przyciągnęła
Krzysiek · 11 Luty 2023
Od pisu zdała się trzymaj darmo zjadzie
Hehe · 11 Luty 2023
Od PiSu trzymam się jak najdalej... Nawet podczas głosowania...
Gość · 11 Luty 2023
A to nie jest odwrotnie? Tzn że właśnie takie osoby PiS przyciąga?
Kolo · 11 Luty 2023
Co ma spulnego zaginięcie z pisem jestes chory
TiG · 11 Luty 2023
"Nie rozumię" a potem się dziwić że PIS wygrywa wybory...
Kazik · 11 Luty 2023
Pisowski gamoń to ty jesteś pala cie wal się na ryj
Do czytelnik vel idiota · 11 Luty 2023
ty jesteś polonista czy pisowski gamoń a może dwa w jednym ha ha.
Ggg · 11 Luty 2023
Mosz racje kazdy Mo prawo pisac jak mu siem hce... Precz z wykształciuchami... My se sami bydzim rzadic i bydzim mieli lepi jak na zachodzie
KOLANKA · 11 Luty 2023
Ale dlaczego dziś o tym się pisze? Bo nie rozumię ? .Stało się . Fakt. Tak. Ale czy są jakieś nowe wiadomości? Czy chodzi o co właściwie?
Gość · 12 Luty 2023
Pomijając błąd ortograficzny, to całą reszta wpisu świadczy jak najgorzej o Twoim mózgu.
Czytelnik · 11 Luty 2023
Nie "rozumię"? Pisze się nie rozumiem! Chyba i tak nie zrozumiesz. Dlatego się pisze, ponieważ znalazła się jakaś anonimowa osoba chcąca zapłacić za informację o sprawie. Może to ktoś związany z rodziną a może po prostu ktoś obcy, kto się dowiedział o tym przypadku? Właśnie te pieniądze są za ewentualne nowe wiadomości. Jak czytam Twój wpis, to Ci szczerze współczuję!
kolanek · 11 Luty 2023
Chodzi o to, że ktoś zaofiarował pieniądze za informację i to jest nowy fakt w sprawie i dlatego się o tym pisze. Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem w zrozumieniu artykułu.
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